Monday, February 20, 2006

some of you may have noticed my lack of posting the last few days... have i been too busy? sort-of. i have been working, but that's no excuse. have i been too lazy? maybe. also, there seems to be something wierd going on with the computer. for some reason it is not recognizing the F drive at all. anyone know how to fix this? unfortunately, the F drive is the one that the camera hooks into to transfer pictures onto the computer and onto the blog... stig is at his class tonight, so maybe he can fiddle with it later. for now, there will be no pictures. sorry folks. we had a small and cranky group of kids at knitting this morning. i am happy to say that adella was not one of the cranks today. i hate to admit it, but it always makes me feel better to see other kids going through the same difficult phases as adella. as hard as i know it can be for the parents, it is reassuring in a way to see others sharing my frustration. and a good reminder that these phases are normal and temporary. i was hoping to finish the neverending sweater, but i ran out of yarn! darnit. so i started a sun hat for adella, with hopes that the weather will permit her to wear it soon. *in knitting news, i have quite a few finished projects that i am going to post pictures of, if anyone cares to see them. if not, scroll away.* after naptime we headed downtown for a walk and a bit of shopping. wouldn't you know that the yarn stores had not one skein of the yarn i need to finish my sweater! agk. so i will have to do a little searching around for it before i can finally finish it. maybe by next winter i can actually wear it. we bought a replacement piggy bank for adella - stig accidentally broke her last kitty bank. this time she picked out a green and yellow cow bank, and seems very happy with it. stig gave her two shiny quarters to put in it. then we headed to the library where adella picked out not one, but five thomas the train videos (we only got one). her latest love is thomas. the videos are a little creepy i think, but adella loves them. she also found a thomas book, and i picked out a curious george book and an eric carle book about rubber duckies. oh, and a sesame street video with the cast of S.T.O.M.P. should be good. if you don't know about S.T.O.M.P., google them and take a look - they are amazing and lots of fun to watch and listen to. mix a few muppets in and you have fun fun fun. the thomas theme song is on, signalling the end of the video. gotta run. hopefully there will be pictures soon!! seriously, if any of you know how to fix the F drive problem, help me!


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