Tuesday, February 07, 2006

well, i ended up getting only 2 instead of 3 hours of me-time this morning. i dropped adella off almost an hour late for babysitting co-op - we just could not get it together to be there by 9:00. and trying to rush just makes everything worse. so i dropped her off and ran my errands, even came home for a while, and then browsed around the library before going back to pick up adella. i always forget that the little neighborhood library down the street has videos. they actaully have a pretty good selection, and most of them are free (except the feature films, which are $1), so you can't beat that. i picked up a few for adella - sesame street, an aquarium video, and the jungle book. i figured we can be good and lazy this afternoon and watch the jungle book. i hope it is as good as i remember, and not scary like some disney movies can be. the villains are so mean! adella is sleeping right now. she's pretty tuckered out after playing with her buddies this morning. she also didn't sleep that great last night. about 1:00 i heard her wake up coughing. she came over and curled up with me for the rest of the night, which is so sweet, but also means she was coughing right in my face all night. ah, the things we do for love... the playgroup was only four kids today, a nice small group. they made some cute little snowmen pictues with glue sticks and paper and crayons. here's a picture of adella's work of art: here's another one of her pouring tea. don't ask why she's wearing the gloves. she insisted, and wore them for several hours around the house... that's all for now... today for naptime i actually have several options: knitting (i may save that for the jungle book), eating (more leftovers...blah), or reading one of my library books. of course i can't remember the titles, but one is a new biography of the beatles, one is a non-fiction about the women of the american revolution, and one is jeanette winterson's new novel. i don't actually think i'll be able to find time to read them all before they're due, but it's nice to have options.


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