Thursday, February 16, 2006

in typical thursday fashion, adella and i went to the community center this morning and played with our friends. i was prepared to leave early if she got cranky due to getting up before 6 a.m. today, but she did great! there were lots of new toys in the gym today. adella's favorites? the pop-up fire engine and the radio flyer trike. she had quite a time on that little tricycle, riding it all around the gym - pedaling, steering, and everything! she did much better on that one than the one we have at home. might be time to upgrade... (she was saying, "see you, mommy!") playtime over, adella drifted off to sleep on the way home... today was another beautiful spring-like day! we are trying to get out as much as we can now - mr. weatherman predicts more snowfall this weekend! boo. we went to the playground this afternoon, right after our super wal-mart adventure. we just went in for cough drops (stig and i are both funky - and not in a good way) and socks, but of course it turned into a super-size game of chase and trying on every hat she could find. maddening, but cute. adella's latet impossibly cute activity: raising her fist in the air and yelling, "yeah!" stig is trying to teach her to say, "power to the people!"


Blogger liz said...

unfortunately no, i can't take credit for adella's hat. i bought it a few years ago for myself and i had forgotten about it until adella pulled it out of the hall closet and started wearing it! it looks much cuter on her i think.

it looks like a fairly simple crochet pattern (though i don't really know much about crochet). i bet it would be easy to make one like it!

2/17/2006 10:16 AM  
Blogger liz said...

i've been fighting the voices that tell me to go out and buy the SnB crochet book. i know it will be awesome, but that is what i am afraid of... can i really handle getting myself involved in yet another craft? i feel i have too much on my plate already.

oh, who am i kidding? of course i will buy it. just not right away.
or maybe right away.
i have no self control when it comes to craftiness.

2/17/2006 2:43 PM  

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