Wednesday, April 19, 2006

we woke up this morning to a nice dark thunderstorm. thunder and lightning and rain, rain, rain. the perfect morning to snuggle under the covers and sleep in. but no. little bug woke me up early and said, "mom! cereal and milk and raisins!" i kept mumbling something about daddy being in the kitchen, that daddy would get her the cereal. but no. it had to be mommy. the rest of the morning was just as stormy. adella and i headed down to the library to get some new books and videos, and arrived just in time for storytime. after stories and some playing with the other kids and a few laps around the library while crawling and saying, "eek! eek!" we headed home. i am determined to be productive today, so while adella watched a counting video, i mopped the kitchen floor and knit a partner for the baby bootie that i knit last night. another baby shower for someone at work is coming up, and i'm doing another cute hat and bootie set for her. the storm has stopped for now, but it is SO wet that i doubt we'll be able to play outside today. boo. adella and i can entertain ourselves inside i guess. maybe i can take her to the train table at b&n and get myself some fancy coffee. there are several new knitting books i've been wanting to check out. good idea, me! okay - time to be productive again. adella's taking her nap and the clock is ticking...


Blogger liz said...

yes! from interweave press... i looked at that one at the book store a few weeks ago. as i remember, it was pretty good. i like the small project ideas - immediate gratification.

4/19/2006 3:20 PM  

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