Thursday, April 20, 2006

i took a quick trip to the fabric store tonight, and when i got home, stig was in the kitchen making dinner. it's hard for me to stop myself from cleaning and tidying while stig cooks, but i'm trying. sometimes it's better if i don't even look at the mess. as soon as i came in, he quickly ushered me out of his way and declared himself (and i quote), "a hurricane of flavor, baby. comin' atcha!" so i hightailed it out of the kitchen... meanwhile, in the livingroom, adella and i drew on the aquadoodle. she was making 9's over and over. then she asked me to make an A, so i drew a bunch of them for her. and look - she colored one in! perfectly, inside the lines, and completely filled in. she is always surprising me - doing new things. just like that... all of a sudden she can do something i've never even seen her attempt before. what a genius. oh, and speaking of genius... look what we can do!


Blogger liz said...

they're little plastic teacups of course!
no tea party would be complete without the old 'suction a teacup to your mouth' bit.

4/21/2006 11:05 AM  

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