five exciting things
1. i found out last night that mom is coming to visit! she's going to a conference here in asheville, and is going to (hopefully) arrange to stay a few extra days to hang out with us! adella will be so excited to see her nana! 2. tulips! the tulips adella and i planted are opening! adella saw them this morning and said, "yay!" and started clapping. within a few days they should all be open... 3. i bought a really good canteloupe at the store yesterday! this is a sure sign that spring is really here. and melons are always a gamble for me - if they're not good, i get so disappointed and feel very wasteful when i can't eat it. luckily this one was really yummy - adella and i have almost eaten the entire thing already! 4. we got one of the last share spots at a local co-op farm, green toe. we're actually splitting the share with a friend, so it won't be as expensive. and we're not doing the work share (i'm not that co-operative yet), but we can look forward to a big box of organic produce each week for the next 6 months! i feel healthier already. 5. i found out that our membership to the nature center also gets us in FREE to the knoxville zoo!! i can hardly wait! i'm hoping to go in the next few weeks. and now that i know we can go for free, i'm seeing lots of zoo trips this summer.
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