adella and i had a fun day today. we walked to the library/playground this morning and played for a long time. we've got a pretty nice neighborhood playground right down the street. besides the library, there is also a community center, and the fire department too. down by the playground there's a nice covered picnic pavilion, a baseball field, tennis courts, and lots of grassy areas with trees. today would have been the perfect day for flying a kite. i'm going to have to remember to buy one soon so i can fly kites with adella on the ballfield. kim and elijah met us for some playing, along with plenty of other neighborhood kids. i got a pretty good walk out of it too - adella is getting heavy. pushing her uphill in the stroller is quite a workout! once we got home, she decided to skip her nap, much to my disappointment. once i faced the reality that naptime was not happening, we had a nice lunch and played for a while before our next outing: the health adventure. today was free day at the health adventure (see link at left if you have no idea what the health adventure is). so of course the place was swarming with kids. adella had a great time. they are doing a rainforest exhibit right now, so when you go upstairs and pass through the plastic flappy door, the exhibit room is all decked out with artificial vines and leaves and trees. the animals are in cages, of course, but it is still a bit creepy with the lights down low and the super-giant boaconstrictors and enormous scorpions. there's also bats, frogs, turtles, birds, and other exotic animals that i can't remember the names of. after the first pass-through, adella had the most fun running back and forth through the flappy plastic door. i think we did that for about 15 minutes before she got it out of her system. the rest of the museum of filled with hands-on kids stuff, so we wandered around for a couple for hours before closing time. adella was so sleepy on the way home (no nap, remember?) that she bit her own hand while eating her snack. the one plus for a no nap day is that bedtime is a snap. she'll be out by 7:30 or 8:00, and tonight's my night to put her to sleep. yay!

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