Sunday, March 26, 2006

you guys probably already know what a dork i am, but at the risk of showing you real proof... this is what i've accomplished this afternoon since getting home from work: i've been having such anxiety lately about what to do with all of adella's toys. our house is pretty tiny, and she just keep accumulating so many things! the plastic toys and stuffed animals and wooden puzzle pieces were starting to overtake us, and likely would have been the end of at least one of us (i can't tell you how many times i've tripped over a 'little people' person) SO, i finally got in gear and cleaned out adella's closet, packed up the infant receiving blankets and hooded towels, threw out some things, and LOOK! i have room to store all of her toys!!! i am so proud of myself i just have to show it off: i should have taken a 'before' series, but you'll have to take my word for it. it was a cluttered plastic nightmare. now her room is nice and de-cluttered. i wonder how long it will stay that way.... don't worry, i don't have any crazy unrealistic hopes that it will stay spotless. just knowing there is a closet with space for the toys is enough for me.


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