Wednesday, March 22, 2006

what a busy few days it has been... i've been meaning to post some pictures and catch everyone up to what's going on, but it has just been so crazy around here! yesterday was a busy day, even before the day started. i knew it might be crazy, but i had it planned out, so at least i was expecting the craziness. this was our agenda: 1. babysitting co-op was at our house from 9-12. five kiddos, two mamas. 2. i agreed to babysit for a friend who's sitter cancelled at the last minute from 12:30-4. a little girl, maggie, who is a few months younger than adella. 3. at 7:00 i finally get a break and go to see 'memoirs or a geisha' at the $2 theater with some friends and NO KIDS! this is how it really happened: co-op went great. the kids played and shared and we had no major meltdowns from anyone. at 12:30, just as everyone was leaving, maggie arrived and adella started really getting cranky. i managed to tuck her in for her nap just before she exploded. she slept a good hour, and then woke up and played with maggie for the afternoon. they got along great, and by the end of the afternoon, they were hugging and chasing each other through the house, each one carrying a babydoll. somewhere around 2:00, i started to feel really tired and achy. i thought it was due to the long day (with an early morning start) and the achiness due to the worrying about, what else - money, that i can't seem to turn off the past few days. so i drank a cup of tea and tried to take it easy, but as the afternoon went on i felt worse and worse, and all i wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. of course this was the last thing i could do, especially with maggie here too. she was a joy to babysit, but by the time her parents got here at 4:45, i was SO ready for a break. and needless to say, i had to sit out my much anticipated girls night out at the movies. instead, i turned on the lion king and crawled onto the couch, just as the phone rang - stig needed me to come pick him up from work. aahhhh....ok. so, adella and i pull on our slippers and go to the car, pick stig up, and come home. lucky for me, i am blessed with a wonderful husband. as soon as we got home, he took over and i took a nice hot bath. when i got out, dinner was ready (veggie hot dogs...but i'm not complaining), and after dinner i finally got to curl up on the couch and get some rest. i drifted in and out of sleep and in and out of fever, and woke up this morning feeling...mmm...better, but still not great. functional at least. today it is SNOWING!! i cannot believe it. maybe later we will go to the library and get some new books and videos. i'm sure adella is sick and tired of staying in, but what can i do? the weather sucks, and i feel yucky. so - on to the pictures! a few from co-op yesterday: and my two favorite people: they're clean, i promise


Blogger liz said...

i'll mark the calendar right now...

that's funny about her looking like stig. depending on who you ask, she looks exactly like me or exactly like stig. i guess she's just a good mix of us both. though i think she does look like stig, i think as she gets older she looks more like me. i have a few pictures of myself at her age that people actually thought were adella.
i'm sure all the grandparents could comment a bit about this one!

3/22/2006 12:27 PM  

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