Friday, February 24, 2006

i'll have to post early today, since i will be gone all evening. tonight is the pre-sale of the consignment sale i've been going on and on about. i'm leacing as soon as stig gets in from work so i can be there when the doors open at 6:00 sharp. when i dropped my stuff of yesterday i scoped out the loot they had already put out. the sale is at the ag center, which is huge. i think they use it for monster truck shows or something huge like that. anyway, the whole place was filled with baby and kid stuff - clothes, toys, gear, you name it. and the prices are great, so you can't miss. i'm really going to try not to go overboard and bring home a bunch of things that we don't really need. but i am getting excited! last time, i drank a big cup of coffee to give me the energy i needed to maybe fight off some of the crazed mama shoppers... luckily it didn't come to that. but it can get rough i think. by 5:00, mamas are lined up out the door, armed with giant laundry baskets to use as shopping carts (or weapons, if need be). everyone is after the same thing: cute stuff at good prices. speaking of shopping, adella decided again today that she wanted to go shopping. this could become a very dangerous habit... but she didn't have to twist my arm today. we headed to target to get her some purple sunglasses that she has been asking for for the past couple weeks. i figured if she could remember that she wanted them that long, she must really want them. plus i was going to get her some new sunglasses anyway. on the way out the door she grabbed a little purse and said, "ready! go!" here she is, headed towards the car... doesn't she look like a born shopper? we also picked up a few new sand toys while we were there. once we got home, she was ready to play. after her nap, she rounded up some of her animal friends for an impromptu tea party: i think she is serving ketchup in this picture. wish me luck and good bargains tonight! i'm sure i'll bore everyone with details of what i bought later. ...


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