Monday, May 29, 2006

you may have noticed that i've not posted any knitting pictures lately. it's not because i haven't been knitting; it's just that i've been working on some secret knitting. i'll say no more. but now that the secret knitting is done, i can show you this: my fast-growing obsession - log cabin knitting, an idea from my beloved Mason-Dixon Knitting book. i LOVE it! this little piece is just an experiment using some scrap cotton yarn from my stash. adella has already been calling it, "baby blanket," so i'll be binding off and giving it to her, for all her little ones who love to sleep so much. but i am already dreaming of log-cabin knit blankets, pillows, more blankets, more pillows, dishcloths, coasters, rugs,... i promised my self that i wouldn't start any new projects until i finish some others that have been sitting around waiting for me, but i just couldn't help myself. my fingers have been itching to try log cabin, and now i am hooked! in garden news, i planted a few new perennials yesterday, and they are happy in their new home. the garden is starting to look really nice and colorful, and finally filling in a bit. by next spring it will really be beautiful. in the meantime, i'm having so much fun with it. here are a few pictures (i'm making them small but you can click them to see a bigger image). the top picture is the far left end of the garden, and going down the page is a piece-by-piece panorama of the garden, form left to right... looking at the pictures, it still looks pretty sparse, but it has come a long, long way from last spring... adella had a few friends over to play this morning and now she is pooped out, asleep. naptime has been really hit-or-miss lately, but today she finally fell asleep - late, but i'm letting it slide today. stig is upstairs asleep now too. he did an awesome job cleaning the basement today (not exactly an ideal memorial day off work, but it had to be done) and he is pooped out too. in a few minutes, i'll have to do the dirty dirty job of waking those two up from their naps. maybe i can wake them with promises of ice cream and they'll forgive me. here's adella and orange bear funny corn face


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