Friday, May 26, 2006

okay, another super-quick update today because adella is nap-less again today. lately the only way she will fall asleep is when we are driving in the car around 12:30 or 1:00, or when she is just so sleepy and cranky that the passes out on the couch at 5:00. 5:00 is not prime naptime. if she sleeps then, she'll never go to bed, and that will throw our whole routine off and we'll all be perpetually cranky. so, i'll see how much posting i can do before my "free" time is over. yesterday we took a hike with our friends - the weather was beautiful once again, and we took a short hike through the woods and ended up at a lovely lake with a sandy beach. pictures: once we got home, we got out adella's new (bigger) pool that we bought yesterday and splashed around some more. isn't she a cutie in her new swimsuit? this morning i had to go to the courthouse to try to get excused from jury duty. amy and henry came over to watch adella and play while i was gone. to make a long story short, i did not get excused. the slightly longer story is that i had been feeling anxious about the idea of little me standing before a judge and pleading my excuse while being eyeballed by a crowded courtroom full of people. i show up and sure enough, the courtroom is so crowded that we can't all even sit down. the judge is sitting way up high and holds one of those wooden hammers. he starts by giving us examples of some of the more common excuses, and then follows each one by saying, "i won't excuse you for that. i may postpone your jury duty for a month, but i won't excuse you." and of course caring for a small child or an ederly parent was on his list of unexcusables. after forty minutes of growing nervousness and increasing public speaking anxiety, i started seeking out an exit route. on my way to the door i convinced myself that i would just go to the restroom and come right back, but before i knew it, i had made a beeline straight for the elevator and punched the 'G' button. so, long story - i may be sitting on a jury in a few weeks. i'll let you know. and here's adella and henry swimming/sweeping/playing in the pool:


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