Wednesday, May 03, 2006


we started the day with a trip to Sam's for a few necessities. while there, adella discovered the $2,000 play cottage and decided she couldn't live without it. i disagreed. so in the end, i let her play in it for about 15 minutes and then coaxed her away with promises of a giant pretzel on the way out. i did take a few pictures (what? you don't think i ever leave the camera at home, do you?) and i tried to be as inconspicuous as is possible when taking pictures of your kid inside a giant store. i wish the picture was better - it really is super-cute. windowboxes and everything! and, as promised, the giant pretzel. i rewarded myself (for what, i don't know) with a giant 32 ounce(!) cherry coke. which i definitely don't need, but drank anyway. and a quick stop at the playground before heading home: adella fell asleep on the couch when we got home, and is still there now. i must stay in the basement, silent, so as not to wake her up. i want her to have a good nap before we go downtown later to meet nana! she got in late last night so we haven't seen her yet. we're going to meet downtown and hang out until stig gets off work, and then find a place to eat some dinner. fun! luckily the conference she is attending lets out at 3:00 both days, so there is lots of time left for her to do other things, like spend time with adella! on a completely unrelated subject, i found a way to post videos to the blog! unfortunately, though it works fine on my computer, it seemed to not work for a few of you who responded (before i deleted the post). so, it wasn't as exciting as i hoped. maybe i'll try another one and see if i can tweak it to make it work. somehow. lastly, a knitting update: the knitted basket is coming along nicely, but the double stranded cotton yarn is killing my fingers! i decided i needed an alternate project to work on (plus, the yarn store was having a sale and i needed a good excuse to buy new yarn) so i started a sweater for adella: yes, it's 100% wool, and not exactly summer knitting material, but what the hey? it won't be too long before fall again. i'm thinking of starting a sweater for myself next. um, and finishing the one i started last year and am almost finished with(though i can't bring myself to completely finishing - for reasons unknown).


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