Monday, January 23, 2006

busy, busy day... knitting group this morning - the kids got along great, for the most part. only a few minor incidents. the blueberry muffins that kim brought were a big hit, until someone used them as play-dough and they ended up squished on the floor. that's okay. i'm actually starting to enjoy this mopping thing. stig took the day off to take both sick puppies to the vet. i won't go into specifics, because it's not pretty. hopefully once we pay off the enormous vet bills we can look back on this and not be stressed. i spent a good part of the afternoon in the medicaid office trying to reapply for adella's health insurance. i absolutley HAD to be out of there by 4:00 so stig could get mia to the vet. by 3:55, they were just calling number 74 (i was number 75), so as you may have guessed, i didn't make it. i graciously gave my number to the guy sitting/sleeping next to me; as i walked out the door i am sure they called my number. so, i'll be back again tomorrow... and i'll rememeber to bring a book and a coffee and turn it into something resembling a nice quiet afternoon alone (i have to take it when i can get it!) stig is at his computer class right now, and adella just fell asleep, so i am going to spend a few quiet minutes knitting and watching an episode of LOST that i recorded (i know, i know, geeky) before i fall asleep on the couch. it has been a big day, too big for a monday. on another note: adella is now obsessed with a 20 minute 'little people' dvd that came with her little people farm. the toy is cool and adella loves it, but the dvd people are strange little people with gigantic hands and mouths that never move. we've watched it over and over, and though it is brand new, i already have the little people theme song (sung by aaron neville) stuck in my head. adella keeps coming to me saying, "mommy, watch freddie?" except it sounds like, "mommy, vuch fuz-zie?" okay, one more time....


Blogger liz said...


i'm so happy to hear that there is an end in sight for the little people...

and great to hear from you - i hope all is well and let's talk soon!!

2/01/2006 8:39 PM  

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